If you think you have paid too much tax on your interest you can claim it back. To do this you will need to fill in a form R40 Tax Repayment Form. You will need to do this for each year you think you paid too much tax and you will need to also complete the other sections of the form with details of your other income.
There are time limits for claiming back tax as shown below:
Tax year: | Tax year ended on: | Deadline for claim: |
2008-09 | 5 April 2009 | 5 April 2013 |
2009-10 | 5 April 2010 | 5 April 2014 |
2010-11 | 5 April 2011 | 5 April 2015 |
2011-12 | 5 April 2012 | 5 April 2016 |
You can access the R40 form and helpsheets on the HMRC website.
If you would like help in completing form R40 please contact us and we would be happy to discuss this with you.