By the end of June 2012 everyone that had made a claim for tax credits in the tax year 2011/12 should have received a renewals pack.
If you don’t get your renewal pack by the end of June then you should contact the tax credit helpline. You can’t get a renewal pack online.
The renewal pack may include an Annual Review notice (TC603R) or an Annual Declaration form (TC602D or TC603D2) together with the Annual Review notice.
Annual Declaration form
If you've been sent an Annual Declaration (TC603D or TC603D2) and don't renew, the following will happen:
- your payments will stop
- you will have to pay back any overpayment from both the previous tax year and from the start of the new tax year
- you'll get a statement from the Tax Credit Office about your tax credits payments
- you have a further 30 days to provide the information asked for in the renewal pack
- you will usually have to make a new tax credits claim if you don't provide the information within 30 days
Annual Review Notice
If you only receive an annual review notice then your claim will be renewed automatically but you will still need to tell the Tax Credit office straightaway if:
- you have had any changes in circumstances
- your income is different to what's shown in the Annual Review notice
- there are mistakes or details missing from the notice
Tax credit claims should be renewed by 31 July 2012 and for further details see HM Revenue & Customs: Renewing your tax credits claim - the basics
If you require any assistance regarding your tax credit renewal please contact us